


Affiliate links

What are Affiliate links?

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Affiliate links are specialized URLs embedded with unique identifiers corresponding to affiliate partners. These links register the traffic channeled to the advertiser’s webpage.

Affiliate links are specialized URLs embedded with unique identifiers corresponding to affiliate partners. These links register the traffic channeled to the advertiser’s webpage. By facilitating precise tracking of website visits, affiliate links discern which visitors are linked to a specific affiliate. If a visitor, upon clicking an affiliate link, completes a purchase or another predetermined action, the affiliate earns a commission based on the affiliate program’s payment structure. These links are fundamental in affiliate marketing, ensuring accurate monitoring of affiliate endeavors and the subsequent financial settlements.

How do affiliate links work?

Affiliate links operate using the distinct affiliate identifiers they harbor. When an internet user engages with an affiliate link, they’re either ushered directly to the merchant’s website or to a purposefully designed promotional page. Upon the user executing the intended action through the affiliate link, the corresponding commission gets credited to the affiliate. This system, with individually tailored affiliate links for each partner, enables meticulous conversion tracking, campaign enhancements, and commission distribution.

What is the structure of affiliate links?

Affiliate links typically adhere to a standard structure. Beyond the destination URL, they encompass a unique affiliate identifier. Some affiliate programs offer the liberty to craft custom affiliate links, which can potentially bolster an affiliate’s marketing outreach.

A quintessential affiliate link comprises:

  • URL: The primary link leading to the target webpage.
  • Unique Affiliate Identifier: A distinctive code or number allocated to a specific affiliate.
  • Additional Parameters: These fine-tune the tracking, capturing details like traffic origin or keywords.

For instance, consider this affiliate link format:


  • http://www.example.com/ denotes the chief URL of the product/service.
  • affiliate_id=1234551 signifies the unique affiliate ID.
  • campaign=summer_sale provides insights about the campaign.
  • source=website indicates the traffic origin (in this instance, the affiliate’s website).

How to use affiliate links correctly?

To harness the full potential of affiliate links, adhere to these guidelines:

  • Anchor Usage: Embed links within relevant text anchors, as they appear more refined than raw URLs.
  • Link Density: Maintain equilibrium in link distribution, ensuring uniform placement throughout content and avoiding excessive usage.
  • Link Organization: Regularly curate your links for clarity, and excise any obsolete or malfunctioning ones.
  • Balanced Distribution: Disperse affiliate links across various online platforms judiciously. Steer clear of aggressive marketing and ensure your links aren’t perceived as spam.
  • Contextual Relevance: Position affiliate links where they resonate with your site’s context.
  • Ethical Adherence: Abide by legal stipulations and moral codes.

Should you add the nofollow parameter to affiliate links? Considering Google’s stringent stance on affiliate links, it’s prudent to append the nofollow attribute to these links, safeguarding your website from potential penalties. When a link incorporates the nofollow attribute, it remains inconspicuous to Google’s scrutiny.

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